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Temp Monitor 1.0.5

Having access to someone with a reflow oven where I'm from is difficult. I am working through putting together an UNO R3, IDE 1.0.5 r2, k-type thermocouple off a MAX6675 breakout board I just received from an Ebay order from China.I have The UNO working fine as far as programming the use of a tmp36 sensor from an ARDX kit from Seeedstudio I picked up a month ago from RadioShack.

Temp Monitor 1.0.5

To use this plugin, you will need a 10 Sonoff TH10 Smart WiFi Switch running Tasmota firmware ('sensors' build) with an attached DS18B20 temperature sensor, and the sensor physically installed within the appliance somewhere.

Once Tasmota has been installed, it must be configured to attach to your WiFi and so it knows it is running on a TH10 and has a DS18B20 sensor attached. This is done by through a browser and using a profile - see the Tasmotizer docs. It can take a couple of gos for these settings to 'stick' for some reason. Once working, the device will be reporting the sensor temperature in it's WebUI:

Note: Supports a single attached DS18B20 sesnor currently. These devices follow a one-wire protocol so it may be possible to connect two sensors, e.g. in a Fridge Freezer type appliance, to monitor both cavities in future.

In the particular freezer this was developed for, there is a temperature control knob inside that is little more than a vaiable resistor. The cavity this mounts in made an ideal installation point, with a single hole drilled through the back of the cavity through the side of the freezer, the wire passed in and the outside bunged up with a 20mm rubber gromit.

However the sensor is mounted, it must be within the thermal envolope within the freezer and have some air flow across it. Mounted behind the control knob as described, it is also necessary to drill some ventilation holes to ensure the interior temperature can be accurately metered through that case:

Now,you can measure the temperature with this sensor.Ambient temperature is the MLX90615 package temperature and Object temperature is the object target temperature.According to our experiment,when you place the sensor in the normal indoor temperature,and ensure that there is nothing source of heat in front of the sensor's 1M scope.The Object temperature will approximately equal to Ambient temperature.When measuring the Object temperature,you should ensure the object is as close as possible whit the sensor,but do not touch the surface of the sensor,we recommend the distance is less than 3cm.Wish you have a fun try.

So I created a terminal application that monitors CPU quantities like frequency, load, temperature, voltage and power draw. Using the ectool it reads the fan speed from the embedded controller. The monitoring application can be found hereScreenshot from 2023-02-09 21-35-51637629 148 KB

The PlusConnect provides a seamless link between the ARC Plus remote monitoring and control system and the transmitter, bringing hundreds of transmitter parameters* aboard the ARC Plus. A single serial or Ethernet connection to the transmitter reduces installation time and saves the expense of adding remote control capacity.

Build Web Server projects with the ESP32 and ESP8266 boards to control outputs and monitor sensors remotely. Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript and client-server communication protocols DOWNLOAD

I have done all of the above example and have slightly modified it to run without sleep, wifi and the temp sensor to just test the card element. Pin connections are as per your example. I am using a DOIT DEVKIT ESP32.

Dear Zeni, I have use SD for logging the last 2 years (several controlers). I have install up to 80 controlers with 4 temprature sensors each, and data writing every 5 mins (4 measurments with Controler ID and datetime). Never had a problem (except once with a problematic SD card).

I have just received some new BMP280 sensors so I thought I would try out the ESP32 again with a changed sensor. It ran for 371 minutes, logging once a minute before the dreaded flash error stopped logging. In the 371 minutes I got 23 Guru meditation errors, meaning it reset itself. The temperature readings were mostly OK but I had 8 randomly interspersed -111.23 degrees C and 7 random 102.57 degrees C readings, as well as some other odd values in amongst the normal temp readings. I suspect a faulty ESP32, but I am not really sure. The whole shebang was run on a high capacity LiPo battery, regulated down to appropriate voltages.Any other info or other peoples observations would be helpful.

Cheers to the scope!I am wondering if there are timing issues due to the need to service one core over the other or some such nonsense. WiFi is so demanding, that I thought turning it off would certainly help, and I am surprised it did not.All of my ESP32 development to date has been ESP-NOW sending temp sensor data from DS18B20s and so far it works great.Good luck!

Hi Dave,The reason I chose the BMP280 was that in a comparison on the web somewhere it outperformed most of the other sensors. I wanted a temp sensor with high resolution (0.01 degree) for a certain application, actual temp accuracy wasnt an issue. I note that the DS18B20 you are using has 12 bit resolution (0.0002 degree) and 0.5 degree accuracy, so it may be even better. I need a very low noise sensor as my background temperature noise will be less than 1/1000 of a degree. I aim to log once a minute for three years.(CRO checks not done yet.)

The last thing I tried is to connect the sensors to VDD (5V) and pull the 1Wire pin up to 3.3V to communicate safely with the ESP32, assuming the sensors NOT running at full power might infringe their ability to measure higher temperatures.

Working at room temp was proven by comparing measurements against a room thermometer, arranging the sensors in a cooling box for thermal decoupling. But at 60C the measurements deviate heavily and when I lower the temp to 35C (As an arbitrary reference) they are still far off with respect to the error characteristics given in the data sheet to be 0.5 up to +85C.

AMD System Monitor also has an "Always on top" tool which is perfect if you want to see exactly how much an application is consuming while it is running. It also has a Recording button which can be used for setting a diagnosis, or just to re-check the information. I consider that it is a good tool for system monitoring. + Arduino Data Visualization I've been a fan of Arduino for years now, and have used it for building everything from MIDI controllers to simple LED flashers. One thing that has always intrigued me has been visualizing some of the data that I read off of the Arduino makes this simple. Really simple. The purpose of this instructable is to demonstrate how to hook up an Arduino + Ethernet Shield and send data to's Servers and create beautiful graphs. We will be using a dual temperature+humidity sensor (DHT22), and sending the results directly to Plotly.

Hi! I would like to monitor two sensor data & plot them on two separate graphs. I have edited the "simple_cc3000.ino" in the example folder foundhere --> -api/archive/ BUT the data from the two sensors are plotted on the same graph. how do i separate them?

May I ask if it is possible to put multiple temperature sensors into one set of Arduino equipment? I have many temperature sensors (up to 24) and I am looking for a way to streamline the data and plot the measurement of each in real time.

Explanation: APPSTATUS is the overall health monitoring for an application. An application may be unsuccessful for a number of reasons and the APPSTATUS changes to 0 (bad) if it is not able to provide a solution. The APPSTATUS is 1 (good) when the solver converges to a successful solution and there are no errors in reporting the solution.

Explanation: AUTO_COLD is the number of consecutive bad cycles to wait to attempt a COLDSTART as an initialization mode for an application. It is by default at 0 (no action with bad cycles) but can be set to a higher integer level (1+) as a trigger to initiate a coldstart. When the AUTO_COLD limit is reached, the COLDSTART flag is set to 1 (ON) and it remains on until there is a successful solution. Once a successful solution is found, COLDSTART and BAD_CYCLES are set to zero.

Explanation: COLDSTART is an initialization mode for an application. It is by default at 0 (no initialization) but can be set to higher levels (1 or 2) to handle cases where initialization of the problem is a key enabler for a successful solution or to reset an application after a failed solution or a period of inactivity. The initialization values are typically taken from a prior solution as stored in t0 files on the server. When COLDSTART>=1, the t0 files are ignored and the initialization values are taken from the file, the DBS file, and the CSV file in that order. A value of 1 indicates that all FV, MV, and CV STATUS values are turned off (0) temporarily to reduce the number of degrees of freedom and achieve a feasible, yet suboptimal solution. A value of 2 is a more aggressive initialization where the degrees of freedom are turned off and the sparsity of the problem is analyzed to create a sequence of lower block triangular segments. These segments are solved sequentially and an error is reported if a particular block is infeasible. Therefore, COLDSTART=2 is one method to help identify equations or variables bounds that may be causing an infeasible solution. Once the application is successfully solved with COLDSTART>=1, the value of COLDSTART is automatically reset to 0 for the next solution.

Explanation: OBJFCNVAL is the objective function value reported by the solver. All objectives are converted to a minimization form before solution is attempted. Any maximization terms are multiplied by -1 to convert to an equivalent minimization form. For maximization problems, the objective function should be multiplied by -1 after retrieving OBJFCNVAL. The objective function may include multiple terms, not just a single objective. OBJFCNVAL is a summation of all objectives. 2ff7e9595c

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